Work Plan
WP1: Preparation (Building Local Expertise)
T1.1 Comparative state-of-the-art analysis and development of an Inventory of PC universities’ needs in Green Dimensions.
T1.2 Preparation and approval of the training program for university administrators, teachers, and IT specialists.
T1.3 Conducting a series of webinars.
T1.4 Organisation of ToT workshops in KG with a focus on the horizontal analysis of curricula and processes in Green Dimensions.
T1.5 Preparation and organization of study tours to EU partners with a focus on EU practice in Digitalization & Green Policy.
T1.6 Conduct of second-wave training seminars for the staff of KG partner universities.
WP2: Development (GDU Model)
T2.1 Development of a GDU model.
T2.2 Development of a GDU roadmap.
T2.3 Development of GDU internal regulation for submission to KG MES.
T2.4 Creation of GD Offices at KG partner universities.
T2.5 Purchase and installation of equipment.
T2.6 Development and approval of a mandatory course on Green Dimensions.
T2.7 Horizontal analysis of existing curricula and syllabi. Development, peer-review, and institutional adoption of one elective locally tailored micro-credential module per each KG partner university.
T2.8 Development of teaching/learning materials adapted to blended learning (b-learning).
WP3: Quality Assurance
T3.1 Establishment of a QA group for the project.
T3.2 Development of the project Quality Assurance Plan.
T3.3 Training on QA.
T3.4 Establishment of the project self-monitoring system.
T3.5 Project QA evaluation, including external evaluation.
WP4: Exploitation (Implementation & Networking)
T4.1 Implementation of components of the GDU model, including digitalization of administrative and educational processes at target universities.
T4.2 Pilot and delivery of the mandatory course and elective modules on Green Dimensions.
T4.3 Creation of the National GDU Network’s forum on the project website.
T4.4 Development of the GDU Network’s Plan.
WP5: Dissemination
T5.1 Development of the Dissemination and Communication Plan.
T5.2 Development of the project website and Networking Forum.
T5.3 Organisation and conduct of three national workshops.
T5.4 Preparation of news about the project outputs for mass media.
T5.5 Presentation of the project at local and international events.
T5.6 Organisation and conduct of the final project congress in Bishkek
WP6: Project Management
T6.1 Update of the project Work Plan.
T6.2 Kick-off meeting, elaboration of partnership agreements, establishment of the project management board, and steering group.
T6.3 Development of the project Sustainability Plan.
T6.4 Signing of the project partnership agreements.
T6.5 Conducting regular project coordination meetings.
T6.6 Control and monitoring of the delivery of project activities according to the timeline.
T6.7 Identifying, preventing, and monitoring risks in the project life.
T6.8 Conflict management.
T6.9 Preparation of mid-term and final reports. Reporting.
WP6. D6.1. D18 — Project Work Plan
Work Packages
- WP1 — Preparation: Building local expertise
- WP2 — Development: GDU Model
- WP3 — Quality Assurance
- WP4 — Exploitation: Implementation & Networking
- WP5 — Dissemination
- WP6 — Project Management
Project Management Board
PMB serves as a group of planning, coordination, interaction and implementation of the project according to the Work Packages, Work plan, Milestones, Deliverables and project results;
- Prof. Abdygany Abdyvaliev -OshSU;
- Dr. Elegia Bokoeva-K Karasaev BSU;
- Mrs. Chynara Ainekenova-CBC group;
- Mrs. Aizada Apysheva-Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- Mrs. Rahat Rai kyzy- I Arabaev KSU;
- Prof. Marina Tropmann-Frick, HAW Hamburg, Germany;
- Prof. Jelena Stankeviciene, Vilnuis University, Lithuania;
- Dr. Janara Baitugolova-Kazy Dikambaev DA MFA;
- Dr. Ainazik Omurzakova-IHSM;
- Indira Imanakhunova- K Tynystanov IKSU;
- Dr. Ermek Baibagyshev-S Naamatov NSU;
- Dr. Gulnara Kabaeva, I Razzakov KSTU;
- Mr. Isa Usenov BatSU;
- Mrs. Turnisa Yusupova- Ahkunbaev KMU
Project Streering Committee members
- Mr. Avazbek Rasul, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- Prof. Kengesh Djusupov, International Higher School of Medicine, Kyrgyzstan;
- Prof. Mirlan Chynybaev, Rector of the Kyrgyz State Technical University;
- Prof. Marina Tropmann-Frick, HAW, Hamburg, Germany;
- Prof. Jelena Stankeviciene, Vilnuis University, Litva;
- Prof. Janara Baitugolova, Vice-Rector of Diplomatic Academy of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Kyrgyz Republic, Coordinator, Grant holder;
- Mrs. Meerim Nijazalieva Capacity Building Consulting group.
List of trainers: